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In an exclusive interview with Knuckletown, Gogos Levski, affectionately known as “Go-Go,” shares insights into his transition from BKFC to Karate Combat and his aspirations for future success in the martial arts arena.

Amidst the vibrant atmosphere of Miami, Levski exudes confidence and determination, proclaiming himself a “world champ” with undeniable conviction. Having recently ventured into Karate Combat, he expresses enthusiasm for the new fighting style, acknowledging its differences from bare-knuckle boxing while embracing the challenge it presents.

When asked about his return to BKFC, Levski remains cryptic, hinting at future endeavors while keeping his plans under wraps. He emphasizes his current focus on Karate Combat, expressing a desire to refine his skills and dominate in a different martial arts discipline.

Despite his reserved demeanor regarding upcoming fights, Levski’s dedication to his craft is evident. He speaks of the need to improve his wrestling skills and represent his unique style in Karate Combat, mirroring his past success in BKFC.

Levski’s determination to become a world champion transcends organizational boundaries, reflecting his unwavering commitment to excellence in the martial arts world. With a blend of confidence and humility, he assures his fans of his inevitable return to championship status, both in Karate Combat and beyond.

As Levski continues his journey, Knuckletown eagerly anticipates his next steps and remains steadfast in supporting him every step of the way. Stay tuned for updates on Gogos Levski’s martial arts odyssey as he embarks on his quest for glory in the ring.

Hailing from a quiet town in Kansas, Matthew Seibel’s life narrative is a compelling testament to perseverance and ambition.

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